Introducing solids to baby

Introducing Solids | Helpful Tips for Baby’s First Food

When to wean and start introducing solids are questions facing all breastfeeding mums. How does a new mum know when to introduce solid food into her baby’s diet and what sort of food can a baby eat? At present the World Health Organisation recommends that all babies be breastfed exclusively for six months. A long…

mother breastfeeding baby

2021 Born Baby | My Breastfeed Baby wants to be Nursed all the time, is it Normal?

It’s 2021 and you’ve just introduced a new baby into your life and you’re gleaming with joy and excitement being able to breastfeed your baby. Along the way, someone probably told you about what is known as “witching hour” – you may or may not have believed them, thinking there is no way a baby…

Milk Baby natural nipple balm
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Lush Natural Nipple Balm to Soothe & Protect

We are so proud to announce the release of our most luscious product yet. Milk Baby Natural Nipple Balm contains raspberry and grape seed oil, this fruity creation will help soothe and restore sore cracked nipples often experienced by breastfeeding mums.Breastfeeding is a wonderfully rewarding experience for both mother and baby, but not all breastfeeding…

Breastfeeding area

5 Helpful Necessities for In-Home Breastfeeding Area

Creating your perfect breastfeeding area where you would be comfortable nursing your baby will encourage successful breastfeeding experience. Once you’ve reached the third trimester, you’ll probably start stocking up on nursing bras, breast pads, and loose button down shirts for the coming months ahead. While getting ready to breastfeed, you can also create your personal…

Breastfeeding pain

Breastfeeding Pain | 5 Common Causes & Solutions

Why Does Breastfeeding Hurt? Are you experiencing pain while breastfeeding?  Do you wonder what went wrong and question why you’re experiencing breastfeeding pain? OR Are you losing sleep thinking about the discomfort caused by breastfeeding?  If you nod your head up and down to the above questions, I want you to know that you are…

Tips for first time mums

Getting Started With Breastfeeding | Helpful Tips for First Time Mums

Breastfeeding tips for first time mums When you hold your baby for the first time, you should put his lips to your breast. The nurse will encourage skin to skin contact from the moment your baby is born. Although your mature milk hasn’t developed yet, your breasts are still producing a substance known as colostrum…

Blocked milk ducts

Common Breastfeeding Problems

Sore nipples A lot of mothers complain about tender nipples that make breastfeeding painful and frustrating. There is good news though, as most mothers don’t suffer that long. The nipples will toughen up quickly and render breast feeding virtually painless Improperly positioned babies or babies that suck really hard can make the breasts extremely sore.Below,…

New born baby smiling

The First Six Weeks

Breast milk is the best food you can give to your baby. Breast milk is a complete food source, containing all the nutrients your baby need – at least 400 of them to be exact, including hormones and disease fighting compounds that aren’t found in formula. The nutritional makeup in breast milk will adjust to…

Baby crying from breastfeeding difficulties

Tongue ties and latching – Breastfeeding Difficulties

Hearing the news that Mack, the seven week old son of Tori and Jimmy Rees (or Jimmy Giggle to the parents familiar with ABC Kids) had almost died from complications following a routine tongue tie procedure struck home very hard for me. Both my babies were born with tongue ties, and had significant breastfeeding issues….

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